July 21, 2011

Well, it turns out that kitty is a girl! So much for my attempts at sexing. Her name is Whimsy and yes, I am keeping her. Not a lost kitten notice in sight. The vet determined that she's probably 3 months old and is very healthy, coordinated and unbelievably confident. She tried to climb up my leg and has left me in shreds. Now where is that squirt bottle. ..
I tried introducing Whimsy to Tayoh and that didn't go very well. Tayoh is hissing and growling, torn by curiosity and loathing. The little one gave it right back. She's not backing down but is keeping a respectful distance. I suppose this will take a while for them to form some sort a relationship. It's just that I was hoping, unrealistically, that they would be instant friends. I was hoping for a Mabel/Brian response.


claudine hellmuth said...

Hey Sharon! Congrats on the new baby! We kept Brian in the bathroom for a few days sonthey could smell under the door etc. When they would see each other they would both get freshly cooked chicken as a yummy snack. Then we'd close the door so they could rest. Each visit was about 2 min and gradually worked up to longer. There are some great sites on cat introductions out there. Even Mabel was hissing at Brian at first and she still gets really annoyed at him when he jumps on her head to play!

Leslie Jane Moran said...

Oh this is wonderful! I want a kitty now too. She's just so cute. I hope she realizes how lucky she is to have been rescued by "Muma". A new baby...CONGRATULATIONS. Can't wait to hear all the ensuing stories:) Thank heavens you found her before the great heat hit!

martha brown said...

Oh, she is SO CUTE! Congratulations Sharon!

Irene said...

Oh she's found the perfect home Sharon. I know things will work out.